Saturday, 19 May 2012


I never liked shop bought bagels, but yesterday I thought I ought to add home made ones to my bread repertoire... I am now a fan...

Today I extended the recipe to something truly naughty but nice - see bonus recipe at the end of this post.

Ingredients (makes 10 bagels)

1 x 7g sachet (2 tsp) fast action yeast
4 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
300ml warm water
500 g strong white bread flour


In a large mixing bowl, whisk the yeast, 1 tbsp sugar and 150ml warm water (50ml boiling +100ml cold mixed together)

Leave for 10 mins until a loverly yeasty scum has formed.

Whisk in the remaining 150ml of warm water and the salt.

Gradually stir in the flour until a soft non sticky dough is formed - depending on your water type and the ambient temperature / humidity you may not need all of the flour.

Take the dough out of the bowl and knead for about 10 minutes until smooth and elastic (see Tiger Bread for tips on kneading).

Grease the mixing bowl with a few drops of olive oil, drop the dough in, and cover with cling film (or a shower cap!).

Leave to rise for about an hour until it has doubled in size.

After about 45 mins stick a large pan of water on and get it boiling. Once boiling add the remaining 3 tbsp of sugar.

Prepare a large baking tray with greased baking parchment.

Preheat your oven to 210c/fan 190c/gas mark 4(?)

Once the dough is risen, knock back slightly, then divide into 10 equal pieces.

Roll each piece into a nice smooth ball and flatten.

Grease a wooden or silicon spoon handle and for each ball of dough in turn push it through the centre then 'twirl' the dough around the spoon handle until the 'hole' is about 3 cm wide. Don't worry if it seems like the dough is going flat - we'll sort that out in a minute...

Make sure that your large pan of sugar water is on a rolling boil and then 3-4 at a time drop your 'dough-hoops' into the water and boil for 2 mins turning half way through.
The bagels should puff up nicely and a sort of 'skin' will form on them.

Remove the bagels from the water using a slotted spoon (or the wooden spoon handle through the holes) and place them on the baking sheet.

At this point you can sprinkle whatever you like on top - try:

  • Coarse ground black pepper
  • Sea salt flakes
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Poppy seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Monkey glands

Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. They should sound hollow when tapped on their bottoms (ooh er Missus).

Leave to cool slightly on a rack.

You can eat them straight away, although left for about 12 hours in the bread bin makes the crust a little more 'chewy'.

Bonus Recipe! - 'Bagel Dogs'

OK - so the bagels are traditionally 'fat free', however if you really want a 'mouth party' have a chomp on this...

You'll need 10 - 12 small hot dogs (2 tins) - the chili ones are lush.

Drain the dogs in a colander, rinse and dry with kitchen towel.
Toss in a little flour.

Divide the dough into 10-12 pieces, roll then flatten each piece.  Take each hot dog in turn and wrap dough around completely, squeezing slightly to ensure a tight seal.  

Let the packages rest for about 5 mins then chuck them in the pan of boiling sugar water, 3 at a time for 2 mins.

Continue to bake as above and allow to cool for at least 15 mins otherwise you will burn yourself on the hot dogs.

I don't know how long they keep - so far the record is about 45 minutes before they are all gone!

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