Sunday, 15 April 2012

Interview with a baker...

Hello, this is Livvy, and I have been interveiwing dad on making bread(just if you wanted to ask some questions) here they are!

  • Why do you use allinson products to make bread? 
 Because I started off with using them, and im used to how it works. It also is good value for money.
  • Why do you have to rub the butter into the flour?
So there isnt any clumps in the flour.
  • Why do you have to put warm water in the yeast?
 So it activates the yeast.
  • Why do you use a fork to mix?
 Because I dont like getting my hands dirty; what if the phone rings! But I do get my hands in at the end.
  • Why do you have to knead?
It stretches out the gluten and helps the bread rise.
  • What is kneading?
Its a array of stretching and folding and can last from 10 to 20 mins.
  • Why does it have to rise?
Because when you bake it, it will make it nice and fluffy.
  • What is a well?
 A well is digging a hole in the mixture to put the liquid in.

I hope you liked it! If there is any more questions, please post in a comment.

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